Download the Playback : T.A.N.K next video

We, children of an entropic world, are the heirs of an ideological trend. Our main claim?

“Notre metal est plus fort que le leur”

Download Playback
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  1. 1.     Download MP3 Playback
  2. 2.     Film yourself singing this sentence in front of a plain background (preferably black or white).
  3. 3.     Use Wetransfer to send your video to




  1. –     Landscape mode only!
  2. Portrait Paysage

  3. –     High Definition videos only (smartphone, Gopro…)
  4. –     Medium close shot (Frames the subject’s head and cuts off around mid-chest)
  5. –     Do not send directly your video to but use Wetransfer
  6. –     We won’t use the sound of your video, only the image. So don’t care about it!
  7. –     Be angry or revolted, mad, moved or passionate… but first of all be yourself!
  8. –     The video will be out early 2019: stay tuned and follow us on Facebook or Instagram
  9. –     Any question? Ask it on our Facebook Street Team!